Shearer Magnet

About the program:

Shearer TK-8 School offers a high-quality program in the heart of Napa Valley, California. Shearer’s unique programs and curriculum meet the needs of its diverse student body, allowing each child to grow academically, socially, and emotionally.

Teachers strive to bring out the best in students by meeting in their grade-level teams to work on curriculum, instruction, and assessment cycles. This is demonstrated through the use of school-wide teaching strategies with multiple cycles of instruction that include intervention and extension. Each child receives daily English language instruction at his or her level of development. All students receive PE during the week and 4-6 grade students receive music instruction from specialists. All grade levels also experience various enrichment activities in their regular classroom setting. Collaboration and problem-solving are areas of particular focus at Shearer for both the staff and student body. Teachers follow the Positive Behavior Learning Model, which gives our diverse population and staff a common understanding of respect, responsibility, and safety along with a process for solving problems.  

Through enhanced educational programs in music and physical education, these academic programs are research-based and teachers work closely to ensure that each student makes steady progress toward transparent and readily-known short and long-term goals.

Visit the website to learn more here

Phone: (707) 253-3508



McPherson Magnet


Brown’s Valley